
Rant About JavaFX Ecosystem

Feeling a bit frustrated today, so I thought I would just vent a bit. I’ve been working on some personal tools. I see some things in other tools that I would like to include in my own. I keep finding that those features that I like are written in JavaScript with that whole mess of an ecosystem. When I look for something similar in Java/JavaFX I find next to nothing.

De-Activating My Evernote Account

It was very unpleasant for me. I’ve been a user of Evernote almost from the beginning, and a Premium user for almost as long. But today I erased all of my notes and deactivated my account. “Why?” you might ask. Let me tell you. The price increase. Earlier in the Autumn, Evernote announced a price increase. It was pretty substantial, at least for me. At about the same time, they announced that they were moving our data to Google’s infrastructure in order to take advantage of improved economies of scale among other reasons.

JavaFX Still Not Ready?

Just a short rant about JavaFX because I’m pissed about it at the moment. I enjoy using it for the most part but it sometimes throws up surprising obstacles in otherwise routine work. The latest for me was an unexpected lack of a spinner control. There are alternatives in some open source projects, but, really? No spinners built in? This is almost as gob-smacking weird as the lack of dialogs. (Ok, there are some dialogs, like for opening/saving files, but not much in the way of user-programmable dialogs built in.