pcs (and macs)

Windows, rsync and permissions

Just a short note on mixing Linux utilities with Windows. I wanted to set up a single button deployment of updates to a static web site. I had been using an rsync script, but it required me to manually enter authentication credentials every time it was used to send updates to a remote Ubuntu server. I set up public key authentication, but it would not work with the permissions of the key files on the Windows machine where the updates were coming from.

An Email Server on Ubuntu 14.04

Email is pretty old. It is older than the Internet. Despite the perennial claims that email is “dead”, it is still going strong. It’s also a bit complicated, which is why most folks set up an account with someone else (Yahoo!, Gmail, HotMail, ProtonMail, FastMail, etc.) who can take care of it for them. However, if you want to host your own server, it can be done. If you are running Ubuntu 14.